Found Dogs: What to Do

As much as we would like to help our community’s stray and abandoned animals, we cannot. Their best chance to be reunited with their owners is to enter the system that is designed to help them by contacting the Dog Control Officer in the area the stray was found or contact the CNY SPCA at

City of Syracuse

Syracuse Dog Control 315-473-6608

B&R Bunkhouse 315-546-4242

Second Chance Dog Rescue 315-435-5584

Mayor’s office 315-448-8005.

Dog control outside of the city

Baldwinsville 315-857-0288

Camillus 315-488-1234

Cicero 315-699-8109

Clay 315-652-3800

DeWitt 315-454-0928

East Syracuse 315-446-3826

Elbridge 315-436-0167

Fabius 315-696-6468

Fayetteville 315-637-0788

Geddes 315-468-2528

Jordan 315-436-0167

LaFayette 315-677-3674

Lysander 315-857-0288

Manlius 315-454-0928

Onondaga 315-469-3144

Otisco 315-696-5357

Pompey 315-559-2260

Salina (Village of Liverpool) 315-457-2710

Skaneateles 315-685-3488

Solvay 315-468-2274

Spafford 607-749-2729

Sullivan 315-687-7308

Tully 315-696-6468

VanBuren 315-488-1234